


Acetaminophen is a drug which has two main uses, the first is a pain reliever and it can also be used to reduce fever. However, the number of pain relieving properties it offers makes it an ideal drug to use if you are suffering from headaches, muscle aches, arthritis, backache, toothaches, colds, and also fevers.

Side Effects / Precautions

Acetaminophen can, in some instances, cause an allergic reaction, and as such if you do suffer from any of the following allergic reactions after taking it then please seek medical attention: Hives, difficulty in breathing, swelling of your face, lips, tongue or throat.

You may not show some signs of an allergic reaction having taken Acetaminophen at any time in the past. However, you may begin to suffer from some reactions when taking it at a later date.

One of the most severe of allergic reactions is a severe skin reaction, which can be fatal. If you do begin to suffering from such a reaction then stop taking Acetaminophen immediately and seek medical attention straight away, should at any time you begin to experience any skin redness or any type of rash that spreads throughout your body or causes blistering to your skin.

Other reactions that Acetaminophen can cause include nausea, upper stomach pain, itching, and loss of appetite, dark urine, clay coloured stools and also jaundice.


As with many drugs you can take there are several alternatives that you may be prescribed, more so if you are showing any of the above signs of allergic reaction to Acetaminophen. With that in mind below you will find three different drugs which may be prescribed to help you relieve general pain, muscle pain and also fever.

Be aware though that each of the following drugs and medications may also have their own set of side effects and as such you should discuss those potential side effects with your doctor if for any reason you have found to be allergic to, or are unable to take Acetaminophen due to the side effects caused by that drug.

Tramadol – Tramadol is best described as a narcotic like pain reliever which can be prescribed for the relief of moderate to severe pain. This drug can be used constantly around the clock at the prescribed dosage and is therefore not to be used to treat randomly occurring or sporadic pain.

Tylenol – If you are suffering from muscle related pain then one alternative drug that you may be prescribed is Tylenol, which has two main uses that being as both a pain reliever and a fever reducer.

There are many illnesses and conditions that Tylenol can be prescribed for and they include but are not limited to headache, muscle aches, arthritis, backache, toothaches, colds, and fevers. If you do suffer from any of those conditions and you have found to be allergic to Acetaminophen then you may be prescribed Tylenol as an alternative medication.

Naproxen – Another alternative medication that you may be prescribed is Naproxen, and one of the many different uses of this drug is to control the effects of a fever. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug but due to its own set of side effects you may not be prescribed this drug due to an increased risk of you suffering from fatal heart and blood vessel problems.
